Higher Chakras

Higher Chakras

The foundational seven chakras are vital energy centers within our body, crucial for our overall well-being. These seven main chakras span from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, each governing core aspects of our existence, from basic survival instincts to our connection with spiritual consciousness. The Umana technique activates a newly discovered meridian system to engage five higher chakras above the traditional seven, leading to an expansion of consciousness and abilities. This method enriches spiritual connection and broadens personal capabilities, offering profound growth and understanding.


8th Chakra:

This chakra enhances spiritual wisdom, perception, and the capability for advanced out-of-body experiences, including remote viewing. It transcends individual and earthly bounds, opening up broader, universal insights.


9th Chakra:

The ninth chakra, known as the Upper Dan Tien, holds dormant 'Christ' (enlightened) abilities, poised for activation to be utilized in both the inner and external worlds. It's a center of Christed energy, where unity with the universe deepens, granting enhanced access to one's Godself. This chakra transcends religious interpretation, opening the individual to the profound, divine Christ energy and fostering a deeper spiritual connection and understanding.


10th Chakra:

Upon the tenth chakra's activation, individuals gain an extraordinary ability to harness and manifest talents from their past lives, making any venture they undertake or participate in remarkably successful. This profound access transforms potential into excellence, as if having an entire library of wisdom and skills at one's fingertips. What is required for success not only becomes accessible but does so with remarkable ease, ensuring that endeavors not only flourish but do so effortlessly, embodying the adage that everything touched turns to gold.


11th Chakra:

Activating the eleventh chakra, known as the core star, ushers in an era of unparalleled spiritual abilities and a profound connection with the universe. This chakra's opening is a pivotal moment for personal ascension, enabling abilities that transcend physical and temporal boundaries. It marks a transition to manifesting thoughts into reality with ease, living fully aligned with one's highest aspirations. With this activation comes a deep sense of responsibility and a shift away from superficial spirituality to embodying a dynamic, joyous engagement with the essence of existence.


12th Chakra:

The twelfth chakra establishes a direct connection with the prime creator and the grand portal of the universe's energy system, fostering a sense of completeness. It unifies all dimensions and realities, offering unparalleled access to them. This chakra emphasizes the importance of balance, maintaining regular interactions and activities to stay grounded while accessing these elevated states of being and capabilities.



Meridians are pathways in the body through which energy flows, integral to balancing health and facilitating the body's healing processes. This innovative approach introduces the activation of a newly discovered meridian system within the body, enhancing consciousness and fostering substantial growth. By unlocking these meridians, Umana not only promotes a healthier, more dynamic system of wellness but also accelerates personal and spiritual development. This process involves unlocking 10 specific meridians that in turn, activate the higher chakras above the body, paving the way for expanded awareness and capabilities.