About Me

Rachael Simmelmann

Hello and welcome to All That Brings Me Joy! I'm Rachael.  My journey onto the path of Light & Crystal Medicine and spiritually guided meditations began with a childhood curiosity about magic and the universe. This initial fascination evolved into a profound passion and a professional calling, nurtured by decades of esoteric study and deep connection with Source. This lifelong quest has not only enriched my understanding but has also enabled me to assist others in their own spiritual awakenings and personal development. These practices have changed my life, connecting me to the universe in ways I never imagined possible, bridging the tangible with the mystical.

At the heart of All That Brings Me Joy is the belief that we all have incredible potential waiting to be discovered. Here, we dive into self-discovery and healing, guided by the timeless values of love, joy, peace, and connection. It's about aligning with the universe's rhythm and finding harmony in its vastness.

I'm here to share what I've learned, the power of the Pellowah & Umana Techniques, Crystal Medicine and the insights from spiritual meditation, hoping to create a space where you feel supported in your spiritual journey. Whether you're just starting or seeking deeper exploration, you're invited to join this community. Let's navigate this journey together, celebrating the joy and transformation it brings to our lives. Welcome to our shared path of discovery and growth.

Professional Credentials

Certified accreditation by Kachina Ma'an:

Pellowah Technique level 3 Practitioner and Teacher 

Umana Technique Practitioner

Codes for Life and Codes Advanced Teacher


Certified accreditation by the Diana Cooper School of White Light:

Ascension Teacher 


Certified accreditation by The Academy of Crystal Awakening

Crystal Healing Foundation & Intermediate

My Journey 

From a young age, I was captivated by the mystical and the magical. The unseen, ethereal realms that lie beyond the tangible world have always held a profound allure for me, a siren call to the mysterious and the spiritual. This deep-seated fascination has been the bedrock upon which my life's journey has been built, a journey that is inextricably intertwined with the realms of magic, spirituality, and the pursuit of personal and spiritual evolution. 

Early Beginnings

My magical journey commenced in childhood, enchanted by white magic, angels, and crystals. I delved into candle magic, marking the beginning of an enduring quest. My twenties and thirties were spent in a voracious pursuit of knowledge; I absorbed every book I could find on these esoteric subjects, amassing a substantial collection of oracle and tarot decks. My thirst for understanding led me to numerous courses that deepened my comprehension of these arcane arts. My education in crystal healing and witchcraft was particularly exceptional, leaving a lasting impression on me. Moreover, I was equally captivated by Eastern traditions, exploring the energy practices of Qi Gong and the healing art of Reiki.

Mentorship and Growth

A significant chapter of my journey unfolded in South Africa, where I was blessed with the opportunity to study under an extraordinary mentor. This mentor introduced me to the foundational principles of paganism and witchcraft, a transformative experience that guided me onto a path that felt divinely ascended. During this period, I became acutely aware of the energies surrounding me and felt a profound sense of divine guidance.

The Dark Night of the Soul

However, this ascendant journey was dramatically interrupted by what I later recognized as my foundational "dark night of the soul." It was a time when it seemed as though a switch had been flipped off, severing my once-vibrant connection to the universal source. In spite of surrounding myself with crystals and healings and persistently pursuing knowledge through books and courses, a pervasive sense of disconnection lingered. Nonetheless, I remained unwavering in my faith and commitment.

Discovery of Pellowah

During a particularly challenging period, everything changed when I received my first Pellowah session. It was as if the switch flickered back to life. I realized that I might have experienced Pellowah healing before, unknowingly, while pregnant. I dove headlong into learning everything about Pellowah. It was the missing piece I had been searching for all along.

Advanced Training and Ascension

My training in Pellowah, completing Level 1 and 2 with an inspirational teacher, and later, Level 3 with Pellowah's founder, Kachina Ma'an, marked a significant leap in my spiritual journey. This training launched me into an intense quest for a deeper connection with the universe and a hunger for wisdom and knowledge. I engaged in numerous courses with Kachina, from teaching workshops to transformative spiritual courses, all of which reinforced my dedication to ascension and the support of others on their spiritual paths.

The Journey Continues

Pellowah has been an extraordinary odyssey of growth and self-discovery. Kachina's revelation of my spirit name, Mayanna Tsardae, has been a pivotal moment, one that I am learning to embrace as a testament to my soul's purpose. Following Kachina Ma'an's teachings, using my spirit name aligns me with my soul's purpose and signifies my commitment to fulfilling my higher mission by resonating with my true self and spiritual path. At the Diana Cooper School of White Light, I completed my Ascension Teacher Training, delving into guided meditations, channeling, and deepening my connection with the Ascended Masters & Spiritual Heirachy. Preparing spiritually infused guided meditations became a newfound love, with each session divinely guided & inspired.

The Future and Beyond

Now, I am on the cusp of exploring a new healing modality founded by Kachina Ma'an and will be part of the inaugural class learning it. I am eager to share this new chapter with you. Despite life's relentless challenges, the struggles I've endured have cultivated a profound sense of compassion and understanding within me, for which I am immensely grateful. My pursuit of joy is not just a search; it's a necessity, a medicine, and a sturdy staircase in my life.

Since my last update, I've embarked on a fascinating journey into a new modality founded by Kachina Ma'an in late 2023 and delivered to the first group of students in Melbourne in early 2024. I am proud to say that I was part of the inaugural class learning this transformative technique, and the experience has been nothing short of revolutionary for my personal and professional growth.

The power of Umana has been a revelation. Since incorporating this practice into my life, I've felt an astonishing improvement in clarity, focus, and resilience. Problem-solving has become more intuitive, and my overall sense of strength and confidence has soared. The relentless challenges of life now meet a more fortified version of myself, and for this transformation, I am profoundly grateful.

The pursuit of joy, once a necessity and medicine for my soul, has evolved into a more profound journey, thanks to Umana. It's not just about finding joy anymore; it's about embodying it in every breath and interaction.

Moreover, I've started engaging in weekly swaps of remote Umana sessions with a colleague. This continuous exchange not only deepens our understanding and proficiency in the practice but also offers a firsthand experience of its profound benefits. We plan to document our progress, hoping to share the tangible impacts and insights gained from this journey with all of you.

In an unexpected but delightful discovery, I've found that Umana and Pellowah, another profound technique I practice, complement each other beautifully. During our Pellowah attunement swaps, I've felt a surge of energy in the new meridian systems activated by Umana. It appears that while Pellowah expands and increases consciousness and light, Umana builds and strengthens the foundation. Both work on elevating consciousness, yet they do so in distinct ways that, when combined, offer a holistic enhancement of well-being and immeasurable growth.

Stay tuned as I document this journey further on my blog and a new website dedicated exclusively to Umana. I am excited to share this chapter with you, filled with discovery, evolution, and the endless pursuit of light and joy. You can visit the new Umana website at www.umanatechnique.com

Invitation to Connect

I love what I do and am always eager to discuss spiritual topics. If you have questions or are curious about Pellowah, Umana or Crystal Medicine, feel free to reach out. I believe in the power of distance healing and the profound impact of Pellowah, Umana, and Crystal Medicine which I can now share globally. This journey is not just my story; it's an invitation to explore your highest path, to evoke evolution, and to discover divine joy. For a closer look at life through a spiritual lens, walking the path of divine alignment, it's beauty, it's challenges and all the tools that help me, check out my blog.