Certified Pellowah Level 1 & 2

Pellowah Level 1 & 2 Workshops - All That Brings Me Joy

Pellowah, meaning "radical shift in consciousness," is a healing technique designed to elevate spiritual awareness by connecting all 12 strands of DNA for activation. By realigning meridians and clearing blockages, Pellowah provides a sense of well-being and can be used to heal pets and plants. Its primary purpose is to elevate consciousness, with healing as a by-product of this elevation. These workshops offer a comprehensive learning experience that builds on foundational principles, progressively guiding participants through advanced levels of spiritual and energetic attunement. Pellowah training workshops are certified practitioner level courses.


Overview of Pellowah Level 1 & Level 2 Courses

Embark on a transformative journey with our Pellowah Level 1 and Level 2 courses, each priced at $250. These courses are designed to elevate your spiritual connection and enhance your healing abilities. Whether you're new to energy healing or looking to deepen your practice, Pellowah offers profound shifts in consciousness and personal development.

  • Level 1: This foundational course introduces you to Pellowah energy techniques, enabling you to become attuned and start practicing Pellowah healing on others and yourself. It’s a powerful tool for awakening your intuitive abilities.

  • Level 2: Building on the skills developed in Level 1, this course empowers you to expand your knowledge and use of Pellowah. It focuses on higher-level spiritual enlightenment and personal growth, preparing you to harness these energies for transformative healing.

Each course is a standalone experience, delivering unique insights and techniques that are perfect for anyone seeking to enhance their spiritual pathway or professional practice. Join us to unlock your potential and discover new horizons in energy healing.


Please read below for detailed information regarding each of our workshops. This section includes comprehensive descriptions of our offerings, investment requirements, and registration terms. Whether you are seeking personal growth or looking to deepen your spiritual practice, you will find essential details here to help you choose the right workshop and prepare for your journey with us.

Pellowah offers three levels of attunement: Attunements increase in power, opening up higher levels of awareness. 

  • Level 1: Significant consciousness elevation.
  • Level 2: Further enhances awareness and includes symbol usage.
  • Level 3: For teachers, it provides heightened consciousness and the ability to attune others in Levels 1 and 2.


Benefits of Pellowah Levels 1 and 2 Attunements

  • Level 1 Attunement: The Level 1 attunement introduces you to the Pellowah healing energy, boosting awareness and aligning your energy with higher spiritual frequencies. This attunement opens up the auric field, fostering protection and providing a strong foundation for spiritual growth. Through this process, your consciousness is elevated to prepare for deeper spiritual development.
  • Level 2 Attunement: The Level 2 attunement in Pellowah builds upon the foundation set by Level 1 by utilizing symbols to further increase your spiritual awareness. This attunement helps activate your personal Merkabah, enhances your ability to channel energy, and introduces advanced techniques that guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your spiritual journey. The focus shifts to combining physical, emotional, and spiritual alignment using symbols that guide through deeper aspects of the self. 

Pellowah Level 1 Workshop

Key Learnings and Benefits:

  • Introduction to the Pellowah technique and its transformative potential.
  • Understanding the healing process and how to facilitate Pellowah sessions.
  • Practical application through hands-on practice in Pellowah healing.
  • Learning how to harness the energy for oneself and for others.
  • Receive the Level 1 Attunement


  • Overview of Pellowah principles.
  • Guided meditation focused on Chakra balancing.
  • Receiving and giving attunements.
  • Practical healing sessions and discussions.

Pellowah Level 2 Workshop

Key Learnings and Benefits:

  • Advanced understanding of Pellowah healing using seven specific symbols.
  • Enhanced ability to channel and direct Pellowah energy.
  • Practice aligning chakras and activating the personal Merkabah for deeper spiritual insights.
  • Receive the Level 2 Attunement


  • Detailed exploration of Pellowah symbols and their applications.
  • Advanced healing exercises focused on chakra balancing and expanding the auric field.
  • Meditative practices that deepen spiritual alignment and awareness.
  • Advanced attunements.

Pellowah Level 3 Workshop

Level 3 workshops, led by the esteemed Kachina Ma'an, are held exclusively by her during her thrice-yearly visits to Melbourne, taking place in Surry Hills. If you are keen to delve deeper into what Kachina offers, feel free to reach out—I’m eager to share more details with you. Kachina, a truly inspirational figure, brings profound love and transformation to all her sessions. Additionally, her book, 'Through Different Eyes', spiritually encoded, offers remarkable insights into her personal journey and a deeper understanding of spiritual realms and their connection to our earthly existence. These workshops are not only educational but also life-altering. 


If you're interested in exploring Kachina's transformative workshops or her insightful book, I can help facilitate a connection. Just let me know, and I’ll be more than happy to assist you in getting started on this inspiring journey.

In-Person Workshop Details and Schedule

Join us for our immersive in-person workshops in Hughesdale, Victoria, held exclusively on weekends. These transformative sessions require a minimum of 4 participants to commence. Workshop durations typically range from 6 to 8 hours, depending on the level of questions and the progress of the group. Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with like-minded individuals. If you're eager to join us, simply add your name to the waitlist, and we'll schedule workshop dates accordingly. Once dates are confirmed, you'll receive an email invitation to reserve your spot. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you on your spiritual journey.


Investment and Booking Details for Pellowah Level 1 & 2 Workshops

The investment for each Pellowah workshop, Level 1 and Level 2, is $250. Full payment is required upon registration to secure your place. Please note that refunds are not available once a booking is made.

If you need to reschedule, we offer the flexibility to transfer your registration to another workshop date. This option is available if you provide more than 72 hours' notice before the workshop starts, and will incur a $25 administrative fee. Unfortunately, if less than 72 hours' notice is given, we are unable to offer refunds or transfers.

We understand plans can change, and we strive to accommodate where possible while maintaining fairness to all participants and facilitators.

For more information or assistance with registration, please contact us.


Contact Information:

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your spiritual awareness and capabilities in a supportive and inspiring environment. We’re here to support your spiritual journey every step of the way.

Expression of Interest