Kachina Ma'an Channeled Messages

Friday 23 August 2024

Important News from Kachina Ma’an: The March 2025 Equinox Mission

Welcome to Kachina's Divine Insights, a dedicated space where I share the profound messages and guidance received from Kachina Ma’an. Kachina, a revered channel and guardian of Pellowah and Umana, frequently receives direct messages from Spirit during her workshops and talks. These insights are crucial for our spiritual journey, and I feel compelled to pass them along to you.


August 2024 Update: A Critical Mission for the March 2025 Equinox

I’m excited to share with you an incredibly important message from Kachina Ma’an. Recently, Kachina received vital guidance from Spirit regarding the upcoming Equinox in March 2025. This event is not just another celestial occurrence; it’s a pivotal moment in our collective evolution, one that has the potential to shape the direction of humanity’s spiritual journey.


The Significance of March 2025

According to Kachina, the March 2025 Equinox represents a crucial turning point for humanity. It’s a moment where our collective consciousness will decide whether we ascend to new spiritual heights or continue to cycle through physical distractions. This is not just a belief but something foretold in ancient prophecies, including the Mayan Codex and the Hopi Prophecy Stone.

These prophecies speak of a specific time when humanity, through mass consciousness, will determine the future course of reality. Kachina shared that Spirit has confirmed this time to be the Equinox in March 2025. It’s a moment when the balance of light and dark will be crucial, and our actions leading up to this event will have a significant impact.


The Mission: Planting Seeds of Light

To support this global shift in consciousness, Kachina has been given a mission by Spirit—one that we can all participate in. This mission involves planting what Kachina refers to as 'Seeds of Light.' These are not seeds in the traditional sense but medallions made of metal, representing powerful symbols such as the Flower of Life and the Tree of Life.


Purpose of the Medallions

These medallions are more than just symbolic; they are conduits for light. When planted in the earth with intention, they will be activated during the Equinox in March 2025, creating a global grid of light. This grid will help balance the energies of our planet, providing the necessary light to guide our collective consciousness toward spiritual awakening.


How to Participate

Joining this mission is simple and accessible to everyone:

1. Get the Medallions: The medallions should be made of metal, small but powerful in their symbolism. You can find affordable options on websites like Temu by searching for 'Flower of Life' or 'Tree of Life.' These medallions don’t need to be large or expensive—their power lies in their intention, not their size. You can buy a box of 50 small medallions for $4 online at Temu.

2. Planting the Seeds: Once you have your medallions, the next step is to plant them. Kachina advises making a small slit in the earth, placing the medallion inside, and covering it up. This can be done in your backyard, a favourite spot, or anywhere that feels right to you.

3. Set Your Intention: As you plant the medallion, focus on your intention: “These are seeds of Light that will be activated at the Equinox in March 2025.” This intention is key, as it charges the medallion with the purpose of contributing to the global grid of light.

4. Spread the Light: Kachina encourages us to plant as many medallions as possible, in as many places as possible. The more we plant, the stronger the grid of light will be when it activates in March 2025.


Why Temu?

For those wondering where to get these medallions, Temu is an excellent resource. You can find a variety of metal medallions at very low prices, perfect for this mission. Simply search for 'Flower of Life' or 'Tree of Life' to find what you need. The key is that they are made of metal, as this material resonates with the energy needed for the activation.


The Impact of Our Collective Effort

The beauty of this mission lies in its simplicity and profound impact. Each medallion planted is a seed of light that will help create a global network of energy, activated during the March Equinox. This network will play a vital role in balancing light and dark, helping humanity make a significant leap in spiritual consciousness.


Join the Global Movement

This mission, shared by Kachina Ma’an, is an invitation to all of us to take part in something much larger than ourselves. By planting these Seeds of Light, we are contributing to a global effort to raise consciousness and guide our world toward a more enlightened future. This is a simple yet powerful way to make a difference, and I encourage everyone to participate.

Kachina Ma’an emphasized, "It might seem a bit overwhelming when you think that by that time there needs to be an exact amount of Light and Dark. What it doesn’t mean is that 50% of the population of the Earth needs to be in Light to create the balance. That would be overwhelming and impossible. What you need to know is that for 1 person of Light, it negates the negativity of 400,000 people. Globally we only need thousands, not billions, to do that! What I have started doing, and I invite you to do the same, is to spread the light around. In your daily life with the people around you, consciously practice KINDNESS. It’s so important to not get caught up in the distractions of human life—like material pursuits and daily stresses. Instead, focus on what truly matters: being a beacon of light and practicing kindness."


Thank you for taking the time to read this important message. I will continue to update this page with any new insights and guidance from Kachina Ma’an, so please check back regularly for updates.


In Love, Gratitude, Light, and Magic,
