Sacred Crystal Soul Healing Techniques

The Sacred Crystal Soul Healing Techniques offered through my practice are deeply rooted in the profound teachings of crystal healing pioneers. One of the foundational figures in this field is Katrina Raphaell, who revolutionized the use of crystals for healing in the early 1980s. Her influential trilogy—Crystal Enlightenment (1985), Crystal Healing (1987), and The Crystalline Transmission (1989)—introduced the "Laying on of Stones" technique, which involves placing crystals on the body's chakra centres to promote energetic balance and spiritual healing. Katrina's work has reached global recognition, and she continues to influence practitioners around the world through her Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts, which she founded in 1986.

Rachelle Charman, a renowned healer and teacher, was significantly inspired by Katrina Raphaell's work, as well as by Maggie Vrinda Ross, another esteemed crystal healing master who personally taught her. Rachelle’s journey into crystal healing began in 2000, and her experiences and teachings have led her to develop unique modalities such as Crystal Awakening and Crystal Shamanism. These modalities integrate the wisdom passed down from her teachers and her own profound spiritual experiences, offering a deep, transformative healing process.

I had the incredible opportunity to train under Rachelle Charman over 15 years ago, learning directly from her deep understanding of crystal healing. Recently, I retrained and completed my Level 3 certification with Kelly McGivern, an exceptionally gifted psychic and crystal healing teacher recommended by Rachelle. My one-on-one sessions with Kelly were some of the most profound and enjoyable learning experiences of my life, and I am deeply honored to carry forward the knowledge and wisdom gained from our time together.

About the Techniques

The Sacred Crystal Soul Healing Techniques include several specialized healing sessions, each designed to address different aspects of your spiritual and emotional well-being:

  1. Expanded Heart Layout: This simple and beautiful 8-minute session focuses on expanding and healing the heart chakra. By placing crystals in a specific layout, it helps to open the heart to love, compassion, and self-acceptance, fostering deep emotional healing.

  2. Inner Child Healing: Utilizing the gentle power of crystals, this session addresses wounds from childhood. It nurtures the inner child, helping to release old patterns and emotional blocks, and bringing light and freedom to areas burdened by old wounds.

  3. Soul Retrieval with Emotional Release: This technique is designed to retrieve lost fragments of the soul that may have been affected by emotional wounds & trauma. Through the use of specific crystals, this session facilitates deep emotional release, allowing for reintegration and healing.

  4. Past Life Healing: This session uses crystals to access past life memories, helping to heal issues or patterns carried over into this lifetime. It brings understanding and resolution, promoting spiritual growth and clarity.

These techniques are designed to guide you on a journey of deep healing and transformation, aligning your energy with your highest potential.


To explore further details on each of the healing techniques, please click on the titles above. This will guide you to in-depth information about each specific healing technique, allowing you to understand how they work and what to expect during your session.


The Sacred Crystal Soul Healing Techniques I offer are designed as powerful add-ons to the Blissful Chakra Balance session. You can choose to incorporate one of these techniques as the second part of your chakra balancing process. These additional techniques can take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes, or possibly longer, depending on what arises during the session. After the session, we will have a conversation to share and reflect on your experience, provided you feel comfortable. It's important to allow yourself time afterward to integrate the healing and engage in peaceful self-reflection. There's no need to decide in advance which technique to incorporate; we can discuss and decide on the day based on what you feel drawn to. I charge $110 per hour, and when combined with a chakra balance, sessions typically last between 90 to 120 minutes.