Awaken and Transform: Explore the Power of Advanced Energy Medicine and Achieve Your Greatest Evolution.

Advanced Energy Medicine Modalities

Umana Technique©

Discover Umana, the cutting-edge approach to personal evolution. This modality, known as Evolutionary Engineering, unlocks a new Meridian System within your body, activating higher more advanced chakras to unveil hidden gifts, talents, a heightened state of consciousness, incredible growth and mental clarity.

Pellowah Technique©

Pellowah offers a transformative journey towards heightened awareness and cultivating inner peace. This powerful energy, drawn directly from Source, is accessible through both in-person and remote healing sessions, designed to elevate your consciousness, acquire divine wisdom and foster balance in life.

Chakra Balancing

Experience deep healing and alignment through Advanced Chakra Balancing with Crystals. This powerful crystal healing session uses carefully selected crystals to cleanse, balance and harmonize your chakras. This treatment helps restore your well-being, unblock and enhance your energy flow, awaken and deepen your inner connection.

Rachael is absolutely amazing! She did a Umana healing session for me and I had a delightful experience. She is a truly gifted healer. I’m really looking forward to our next session together.

— Jeannette

Contact us

Reach out to us with any questions or to schedule your appointment. We'd love to hear from you!


All That Brings Me Joy
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 

*Pellowah & Umana sessions available in-person or globally via remote healing.

Welcome to "All That Brings Me Joy." I'm Rachael, your guide to personal evolution through crystal and light medicine. My spiritual journey has been a remarkable adventure, influenced by the wisdom of incredible teachers and the universal mysteries that have captivated me since childhood. Here, we explore evolution as a pathway to profound personal growth and universal connection, aiming to unlock the endless potential within each of us.

As a dedicated mother and a lover of the unique and eccentric, I find joy in the small things — from sourcing my ever-growing stash of crystals, tektites and minerals, to the playful antics of my beloved cat, Marshi, who gets way more likes and followers on social media than I do, as well as playing Mario Kart with my beautiful son. 

My life, a blend of the sacred and the everyday, is a testament to finding balance and joy in all facets. Join me in embracing the magic of being, in all its forms, as we journey towards light, laughter, and the endless pursuit of joy and ascension. To learn more about life through a spiritual lens and timely spiritual insights, read my blog.

Important Announcement: A Crucial Message from Kachina Ma’an

We are approaching a pivotal moment in our spiritual journey—an event foretold in ancient prophecies and confirmed by Spirit. The March 2025 Equinox will determine the direction of our collective consciousness, making this a time of profound importance.

Kachina Ma’an has shared an urgent mission to help guide us through this crucial time. It involves planting ‘Seeds of Light’—metal medallions representing powerful symbols—across the globe. These seeds will activate during the Equinox, creating a global grid of light that will help balance our world’s energies.

This mission is simple yet powerful, and your participation is vital. Please take a moment to read the full details on the new Kachina Ma'an Channelled Messages page.