Umana Technique - All That Brings Me Joy

Umana Technique©

Discover the transformative power of the Umana Technique©, a unique approach in the healing landscape known as Evolutionary Engineering. Umana Technique© is a fairly new modality channeled and founded by the renowned Australian Spiritual Teacher, Kachina Ma'an. This pioneering new modality marks a significant development in the field of spiritual evolution. Umana is an angelic word meaning Evolutionary Breakthrough.


The Umana Technique© unlocks a revolutionary Meridian System within the individual, which fully activates higher chakras above your physical body. This groundbreaking approach fosters the discovery and development of latent abilities and talents from previous lifetimes, while also providing a pathway to higher states of consciousness that were previously inaccessible to most people. This process supports significant change, growth and empowerment, in the client's journey of spiritual evolution.


The Umana Technique© is designed to be simple yet profound, initiating a transformative journey that continues to evolve and develop with each session. As these new meridians are activated, they support ongoing advancement in your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. It's an excellent tool for anyone looking to expand their journey in higher consciousness, spiritual and personal development.


A new modality is being introduced to us now because we have reached a state of readiness and evolution, making us capable of embracing this remarkable new method. Unlike Pellowah, this innovative approach involves a unique meridian system within the body, enabling us to achieve levels of consciousness previously unattainable. Traditionally, only about 100 individuals globally per generation could attain these elevated states. However, our collective readiness signifies a pivotal moment where additional modalities are being released to assist in our ascension and development.


This period marks a significant milestone as we have diligently worked towards this phase of growth, and now, supportive resources are available to help us ascend to unprecedented heights. While healing may occur as a secondary effect of this technique, as the body takes on new and expanded energy that may facilitate change in all areas, it is not the primary aim; rather, the focus is on evolution. The Umana modality is specifically crafted to elevate consciousness, providing clients with heightened clarity. As a result, individuals may notice their minds operating more swiftly and efficiently, allowing for quicker problem-solving and a broader, more insightful perspective. This enhanced mental agility fosters a clear, more effective approach to challenges. 


Umana sessions are provided in-person at selected locations and via remote/distance healing. All you need to do is relax, lie down and enjoy the profound technique of Umana. In Umana sessions conducted in-person, the client remains fully clothed and lies still throughout the session. The practitioner applies light touch to specific points on the upper body, face, and head, all while maintaining the utmost respect for client comfort and privacy.


Many of my clients are from all over the world and appointments are available to support varying time zones. Please reach out to discuss the best time to schedule your appointment and how to prepare for your Umana session.


Clients can choose a 60-minute or 30-minute appointment for their Umana Technique© session.


In-person Umana appointments appointments are available in Melbourne, Victoria at Elsternwick and Hughesdale.


Contact me using the form below to arrange your in-person or remote healing appointment.

Higher Chakras

To explore the specific roles and benefits of the higher chakras, click the link below for a comprehensive guide.

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